Freelance copywriting what is it

What is Freelance Copywriting and What is it About?

What is freelance copywriting and what is it about? As a digital marketing professional, I am going to explain to you what this type of activity is about and what type of professional does it. I hope this article will be of great help to you.

What is Freelance Copywriting

He freelance copywriting It is a type of activity carried out by individuals and professionals in copywriting whose mission is to persuade a target audience and/or public so that this public takes a certain type of action such as the purchase of a certain type of product or service.

In other words, freelance copywriting is a type of activity carried out by a copywriting marketing professional with the sole mission of persuading a certain type of target audience to achieve a type of action on their part.

What Freelance Copywriting Is About

As you may have read in the previous paragraph, this type of activity simply tries to convince a certain type of audience by using words that are key for that audience and resonate with them and describing clear calls to action such as making a phone call, booking appointments, purchasing a product, etc.

Some of the activities of freelance copywriting services are:

1. Find the Objective of an Audience

That is, searching for, analyzing, and studying a certain type of audience to be able to discover what needs they are looking for or the problems they have in their daily lives, in order to write a copywriting piece adapted to the audience in mind.

2. Look for Weaknesses and Benefits

Another interesting and fun part of being a freelance copywriter is looking for, for example, the weak points of a product and its benefits, in order to try to turn the weak points into something useful that accompanies the product, and on the other hand, learn about the benefits of the product so that you can highlight them in the copywriting piece you write.

When creating a copywriting piece, you should always emphasize the benefits of your products, avoid jargon and technicalities, and not expose the weak points of your product too much, but rather use them to your advantage in some way.

3. Write CTAs that are Persuasive

CTA (call to action). One of the most important parts for a copywriter is to include calls to action that are persuasive and help or direct your readers to take a certain type of action that you will benefit from, such as:

  • Subscription to your weekly newsletter
  • The purchase of any of your products
  • Hire a type of service
  • Other types of business objectives

In other words, and in summary, freelance copywriting is an activity carried out by an individual and professional in written marketing with the aim of achieving one of the commercial objectives mentioned above.

I hope this article has been of great help to you, Juan Plamen.

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